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NEWS RELEASE – IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 2000.08.23 To: Homeowner Protection Office – fax 604-646-7051
From: Dr. James Balderson @ FAX 604-739-4109
Re: (1) Failure to provide “Notice of Home Warranty” &
Your office has informed me that Appia with Jim Bosa as President is not a registered licensed builder. The unlicensed developer/builder Appia did not provide a “Notice of Warranty” when Appia offered to sell homes in The Spectrum to James Balderson on Saturday, August 19, 2000. The unlicensed developer/builder Appia does not have a lottery license. The unlicensed developer/builder Appia is promoting a lottery scheme to induce the sale and purchase of homes in The Spectrum. Bosa offers one chance in 15 to win one $25,000.00 rebate. A purchase of a home in The Spectrum is required. Please refer to Section 206.(1)(f) of the Criminal Code and refer this matter to the RCMP. It would appear that Appia and Jim Bosa are guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment. If this is not the case please inform us why and change your regulations accordingly. Jim Bosa and Appia fail to mention that they have developed, built, and sold hundreds of confirmed leaky rotten condos. Their advertising makes no mention of this fact. To the contrary, their advertising refers to the “outstanding reputation of the Appia Development Group” and “At Appia Development Group we’re in the business of providing the most dependable homes.” COLCO’s records of Bosa-Appia leaky rotten condos show such statements by Appia and Jim Bosa to be falsehoods. Please act accordingly. Yours truly,
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