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Affinity Email
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Affinity Email

Let your voice be heard with a distinctive email address!
Send email messages to politicians with an address that will grab their attention!
Help support COLCO!


forwarding email address is available now!

$10 for a one year subscription
$30 for a lifetime subscription*

For your @myleakycondo.com address,
Send a check for one of the above amounts to:
COLCO Treasurer
PO Box 16041
New Westminster, BC V3W 6W6

For more information about a @myleakycondo.com forwarding email address,
Contact: info@myleakycondo.com

A forwarding email is an email address you can use to forward email to your current address. It does not replace your ISP email account. It adds flexibility and distinctiveness to your internet voice.
* A lifetime subscription is good for the lifetime of this web site.
Updated June 1, 2000
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