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Anyone want to buy some votes?
The Oct. 2/00 Hill Times, reported the following:
"Quebecers, as all other Canadians, know that they have benefited from
incessant efforts of the government of Canada to stimulate the economy
and build a better
These remarks were apparently from Alfonso
Gagliano, referred to as the "Quebec Political Boss", while he was predicting
a majority win for Liberals. Mr. Gagliano is also responsible for
Public Works and
I am extremely concerned that the "greasy (political boss) wheel" has done so well in Quebec when in British Columbia we have become a reduced class of Canadian society, ravaged by the fiscal constraints and policies of a redefined Liberalism for the West. On May 3, 2000, it was reported in the National Post that Public Works awarded $730 million to companies that donated to Liberal party candidates in the 1997 election. Government documents from Public Works revealed that $389,000.00 in contracts were awarded alone to a Montreal lawyer whose firm had given $15,000.00 to the Liberal Party. Vincenzo Gagliano, son of the minister, was hired in 1999 as a director for a company that works on federal accounts. Many of the agencies that deal with the company are major Liberal donors as well, according to the Globe and Mail. In the past two years, up to June 2000, Public Works spent $106 million sponsoring 375 cultural festivals; Figured per capita, each Quebecer got the equivalent of $6.60 compared to $0.58 in the West. Quebec Liberal ridings received the lion share of the HRDC $1 billion compared to under $20 million going to BC. All is quite obviously well in Quebec! Seventy eight year old Simma Holt, a former Liberal M.P. (Vancouver-Kingsway) in the 1974-79 Trudeau government, is trying to get the attention of her lifetime Liberal party for what is called, "the leaky condo disaster… is [a] complex crisis, one that will be recorded as the worst economic and sociological catastrophe in Canadian history." The $ multi-billion leaky condo disaster in
BC clearly surpasses the criteria established by Emergency Preparedness
Canada and their definition of a disaster, but unlike the recent smaller
Quebec incidents, the response has been pathetic and clearly discriminatory.
According to the BC government, the federal government is free to make
a similar decision in the case of owners of leaky condos as it chose to
After much resistance, interest from a niggardly
$75 million loan over 10 years has been the extent offered (for no-interest
loans to the leaky condo victims in BC) by Mr. Gagliano and his government
to date. In the
Last November, Mr. Gagliano was quoted by the Canadian Press, when speaking about the hundreds of millions that he and his government had generously and promptly handed out to Quebec for the ice-storm: "This is the best example of the solidarity that characterizes our country." Thousands of Albertans who lost their homes
and declared bankruptcy in the early 80's due to the Liberal policies of
the National Energy Program that drove jobs and investment away, still
remember. There is a
The meaning of "clarity" is becoming a lot clearer to us in Western Canada. It will be interesting to see whether the pork-barrel politics, a $425 million Atlantic vote-buying spree in the name of economic development, or the recent seasonal EI legislation, buys more of the 32 seats available in Atlantic Canada. Mr. Chretien announced a $400 million aid package
this year to help hard-pressed farmers and was quoted in the Vancouver
Sun: "Farmers are part of the Canadian family and the Canadian family stands
together in
In The Hill Times November 6, 1999, Mr. Gagliano
said it's necessary to inform Quebecers what the federal government does
for them. In the house, this is how Mr. Gagliano justified regular
tours of Quebec by
Mr. Gagliano claims, "I am very concerned about
the hardships that many BC homeowners are facing." Really?
The leaky condo disaster effects 24 of the 34 federal ridings in BC and
yet the only time we see a
We all know about the costly failure of the controversial "Gagliano Plan" that was publicly called "a joke" by Ms. Carolyn Parrish, now Parliamentary Secretary to Gagliano. Here is another joke. With its books threatened by water leaks and
flooding, the Library of Parliament has been targeted as the next Hill
structure to be renovated by Mr. Gagliano. Yes, the books threatened
by water leaks are of
John Grasty